
We are glad to share with you about the results of our work,company news,and give you timely developments and personnel appointment and removal conditions.
  • Dancer series dance floor glue can be firmly positioned on the floor and is very suitable for rotating movements. It can be laid in any hard, smooth surface, such as particleboard, hardwood, terrazzo, cement, vinyl base brick above, is an excellent surface of resilient bottom floor.


  • The installation is stable and does not easily slide into wavy shape due to the passing of heavy objects such as handcart and wheelchair.


  • Thanks for all the friends' care, we are all fine now, our city is still far away from the center infected area, here is raletively safe, but in order to ensure the virus not expanded more, our government instructed all the factories and companies to delay the work time approx to 10th Feb, detailed working time would be announced later. Thank you all again.


  • Hello Dear All, We would like to inform you that we will start our Chinese New Year holiday from 17th,Jan,2020--31TH,Jan.2020. During this period,if any late reply please do not mind. Any emergency or inquiry kindly contact our sales person or leave message online, we will reply you soon once we read. Thank you All!


  • Also tested our courageous courage and determination to win,And with the spring of everything recovering,The epidemic was gradually controlled,Our lives are gradually getting back on track.Although the epidemic has opened our distance,But it doesn't wipe out our expectations for the future.


  • The Easter message is a message of hope. So let us hope for less deaths, a quick recovery to those that suffer, a quick recovery to the economy, and a great reunion of hugs and kisses to friends and loved ones as soon as possible. Take stock of where you are right now ... if that finds you fit and healthy, be grateful and have a wonderful weekend.


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